[SPST Seminar] Gravity as a Double Copy of Gauge Theory

ON2024-07-19TAG: ShanghaiTech UniversityCATEGORY: Lecture

Topic: Gravity as a Double Copy of Gauge Theory

Speaker: Professor Henrik Johansson, Uppsala University (Uppsala)

Date and time: July 22, 13:00–14:00

Venue: Room 103, #5 Building of SPST

Host: Alexander Ochirov


In this talk, I will give a brief review of the gravitational double copy, which allows scattering amplitudes in gravity to be recast in terms of those of Yang-Mills theory. The double copy facilitates both quantum computations of multiloop graviton amplitudes and classical processes in general relativity. A web of different gravitational theories can be obtained from the double copy using various gauge theories as a starting point. Recently, black-hole scattering and the emission of gravitational waves have been successfully studied from the S-matrix perspective, and the double copy has played an important role both for the Schwarzschild case and spinning Kerr black holes.


Prof. Henrik Johansson is based at Uppsala University in Sweden, where he leads a research group that works on gauge and gravity scattering amplitudes. He started his research career at University of California, Los Angeles, where he developed the well-known BCJ duality and double-copy framework together with Zvi Bern and John Joseph Carrasco. After graduating from UCLA, he has held positions at CEA Saclay and at CERN, before joining Uppsala University in 2014. He is a Wallenberg Academy Fellow and recipient of the 2024 Frontiers of Science Award from the International Congress of Basic Science.